Here. On the internet.
*shrug* I mean, they are dumb movies by basically any measure. For me, Kylo is what the emperor described to Luke. The movie has some minor success in a kinda Lend of Zelda way where it takes these old myths and puts a slightly new twist on them. Having him literally be a shitty Vader wanna-be being tempted by the…
I didn't like TFA too much, but I liked Kylo. I don't recall him whining at all, but even if he did I don't see whay it matters. Either way, The Dark Side doesn't make a lick of fucking sense to me (Vader seemed like a pretty cool customer for a guy who feeds off of hate and anger), but Kylo kinda works. He is driven…
Me too. The third act sucked a little more than the third act of any of the MCU movies, but the first two were better. Trevor was great though.
Not even that really. The characters are pretty stagnant and boring. It's more like "charming men I want to spend time"
Let's not say things that we can't take back.
Yeah man, I'm the one expending effort. Clearly. Have a great weekend. Keep fighting the good fight.
I said they were rare dummy, and no it does not "very much fucking exist" it just kinda exists. They are a bogeyman that only gets brought up as a convenient shield when someone wants to troll an analysis of gender dynamics in a piece of art or whatever, but they somehow never show up themselves.
Why do people hate off camera deaths? I think they are classy.
You really don't need to find a word to describe people who are so rare they basically don't fucking exist. If you really really need one you might choose "sexist"
Religion is funny huh?
Yeah, I assumed the same. Editing to cut travel time is an established thing from the start of cinema so I didn't question it, haha.
That was a woman screaming, not a horse. I assumed he was like a mile or two away in the thick woods.
I think the fortune teller scene was a cold open right?
Man, when homeboy was just sitting there explaining Sandor's own backstory to him I was getting some CSI vibes. I kept expecting Sandor to say, "I know! I was there dammit!"
I dunno. The fact that we've talked about The Brotherhood twice this season and backtracked to the Riverlands seems significant. It's also a major theme of the season. People "coming back"
Their leader was a war criminal. Maybe they will make her a touch more bloodthirsty in the show.
He is gonna hear about the trial and basically use Littlefinger's teleporter.