
What if, and I'm just spit-balling here, you read the thing?

The fuck are you even talking about?

You know, I am all for a gay princess or prince and won't mind if they did make Elsa gay. However, not a lot of media tells women they can be spectacular on their own and I think that message (along with happiness despite no love interest) is valuable.

It's as much their right to "not care" as it is mine to think it's fucking dopey that they chimed in to just let everybody know. If you remove anonymity from the equation it's pretty clearly so.

They were hell of a lot more than half bad. Them shits were full bad.

"Hey remember The Game? That David Fincher movie? What if we rastafied that shit by like 100%!?"

I totally agree, but it has nothing to do with the attitude I'm talking about. I don't like The Rolling Stones, but I'm not gonna swing by any conversation about them to just say "They are overrated" and pretend I'm onto something. That doesn't make the Stones GOOD (in my estimation) but they certainly have earned

Haha, oh I'm fine! I do think it's a damn good album but honestly it's not that big of an album for me personally. Still I think discussion involving any "modern classic" on the internet gets pretty boring pretty quick thanks to how shallow the discussion ends up. I'm all for not liking classics (fuck man, I can't sit

I'm not sure I understand this piece, but I think I'll use this as a moment to lash out at some bullshit revisionism I have seen people making online pretending AotS isn't that good of an album. It succeeded at doing a thing that all art essentially aspires to do. So all this navel gazing always strikes me as boring

I have strong feelings about Bojack so I get it

Let's not say things about Sense 8 that we can't take back.

"The motherfucking Michael Jordan of swordfighters" is my favorite line from the books.


I'll miss that character.

Oh I get it.

I dunno if I remember this 100% correctly, but I'm pretty sure he has a heart condition or something and he decided to walk away from the stressful gigs becuase of his family.

Jesus dude. This isn't a Zelda review. Save your angst.

Ah. Sure.

If we're pretending to be "over" super specific shit… can we add aggressively trashing random small-time artists out of boredom?

Meeting People is Easy. Pretty good doc cuz it mostly exists to show how boring being a rock star is.