I dunno. Here is the screenwriter talking about exactly this apparently: https://soundcloud.com/kcoo…
I dunno. Here is the screenwriter talking about exactly this apparently: https://soundcloud.com/kcoo…
Totally, and that's exactly what makes it so obvious.
Solution #1: Write gud.
I can, but it's not really my job to care about their bottom line. I get it. Not really a fan though. I don't know what they would be able to do to fix that, but that also is not my problem. :)
You guys know that all of these Marvel movies are targeted at China to a degree right? It's not hard to guess why the character really couldn't be Tibetan.
Christ, get a hobby nerd.
I'm not sure it says any of that though. I just took it as, "critics may not like it, but regardless there is certainly a market and they have been successful letting women make content for women."
He was hosting Family Feud for a while. That has to count for SOMETHING.
To be fair, the general agreed upon "rules" and language of film analysis were mostly guided by men. We don't really know how we'd talk about art in a world where women had an equal voice from the very start.
Well, I'm glad to hear from the raisins.
What ugly instruments. This sounds like intro music to a podcast about Netrunner.
You're right. I don't hate ANY modern songs because I simply don't come into contact with terrible music anymore. At worst it's just noise in the background of a store I am in for a minute.
One which was silly for 5 reasons.
Or it was clearly a joke.
I used to do sound for stuff like that. I once did sound for a U2 TRIBUTE band who was getting pad $50,000 for a single show.
You might be right. I don't have a lot of faith in these guys to handle it much better than the comic (which, let's be real, is great but isn't perfect in this regard) and I didn't remember any violence at all in the comic. So it took me to the rapey stuff which was implied. I really haven't read it in over 10 years…
First of all, yes. Why not?
Second of all, what a bad example.
Third of all, I'm clearly goofing around. I don't think you are dead.
Fourth, I didn't even say that/
Maybe I need to reread it.
I know I am gonna catch some hell or this, but I don't really see the point. It's a good batman story, but I don't really know what an R gets you. Unless implying things counts? I know Joker does some fucked up stuff, but I don't even remember the comic showing it.