

Well, think of it this way. You COULD have problems.

Sometimes I wish there was a blurb explaining what a shows and where I can watch it. I feel so out of the loop. I dunno what this is, but it sounds interesting.

I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said. I'm not arguing that people shouldn't write think pieces or reviews about violence in GoT. I would think that was interesting. I dunno where you got that.

And no… those typos were not intentional.

Sorry. I'm dumb and lazy. Could have been more clear I suppose, but in my defense it was late and their was a fictional rape to discuss.

You're probably right. I just kinda feel like a team of amazing writers could think of a better reason to have Theon "snap" than that, but armchair writers don't get paid HBO bucks.

They already had reason to do that.

I'm not sure what you're talking about at this point, but it's not a subject I'm terribly interested in debating.

It was me. I know what I meant. I used they rather than check the authors gender.

Maybe they thought she would try to manipulate him. Maybe they thought he would have sex with his freaky mistress in front of her as some bizarre power play. Maybe they didn't expect him to have Theon watch? Maybe they thought it would happen off camera. Maybe they thought the marriage wash''t happening so soon? Maybe

You didn't even pay attention to the context of my post. I'm not saying rape shouldn't be in the show ever. I'm saying that it's a valid thing for a TV Show review to explore… the context of my post should count for something.

I don't really care about accuracy to the books. I care that it felt unnecessary and manipulative. Knowing it was a different character in the books doesn't help the show's case.

I am not, no. I am someone who thinks that exploring the motivation for a writer to use a rape scene in a show is a valid subject for an AV Club article because it's a real-ass thing… so you know… the opposite of what you said.

I mean… yes? If the alternative is see the same character do the same sort of storyline on a loop? I'm not sure why you want to frame me as being upset rape exists in the weld of GoT rather than someone who thinks this scene was fucking lame and winking and exploitative to just tell a story we've seen before.

Reviewers are not paid to tell a story.

Tell me more.

You do understand that they are paid to explore these thigns right? And that this is a major deviation from the books? One that has no immediately clear narrative function? And that 1/4 of the people watching the show have likely had rape in their lives?

Feminist stuff aside (all of which I'm on board with) … we've just fucking seen it. It's boring. Jofferey 2.0 is here. I get it.

He means the guy in Dorne