
I choo choo CHOOSE you!

"Rock Salt" for the win.

Amen, you think one of those cafepress type sites could make one???

I would watch Meet the Predators.

Ah, hell, sorry. Romulian ale and such, you understand.

Where's SPACE???
No short paragraphs on Space, Above and Beyond this week??

James McMurtry?
Mr. Rabin, have you listened to or considered reviewing James McMurtry?

Confiscation of AT4s is hardly meaningless, particularly when their numbers are directly traced by their manufacturers to an official weapons shipment made in the late eighties. Those rockets came from gov't storehouses and into the jungle to use on Columbian soldiers and civilians.

You're right, he is far from perfect. If he was perfect, he wouldn't keep getting caught harboring terrorists, laundering money for them and providing AT4 antitank rockets that have been conclusively traced to national stores.

*Sheepishly raises hand*

Didn't Dethklok record this already?
"It doesn't make sense to play this album artisticly, but it DOES make sense to play this album FINANCIALLY.

HotCarl, although there ARE a lot of very, very nasty Angels in Canada it isn't the international leadership. As far as I know Sonny Barger is still alive and (relatively) well down in Oakland, CA. He's been running the whole show from the Oakland chapter for over 40 years now. Well, when he wasn't locked up for

Sonny Barger would stomp this guy out, 3 seconds flat….

Eh, we mostly come here to laugh at whiney little pussies like you.

Well, he was supposed to fight Evans around eight months ago or more (when I believe he was in better shape but would have STILL been put down), filming this didn't help, but I think aging and a pretty iffy training regimine had more to do with it. He doesn't strike me as a man that takes his pre-fight training all

You say all of that like it's a bad thing.
I can't wait for this movie, as stupid and redundant as it may be. Sometimes blowing shit up IS fun. Go Fun, Go.

NOT gonna make it, I should have said.

First off, you take a close range shot from a 12 gauge shotgun you gonna make it, but I can understand a little suspension of disbelief. However I can COMPLETELY understand the cel phones. There are still a HELL of a lot of places in the US where you can't get reliable cel service. I grew up in SW PA near the WV

Please, PLEASE add
I missed the pilot, but I actually hopped on hulu and was watching it during commercial breaks for last night's ep. I freaking love this show, and was elated this morning to see you guys had a review up. PLEASE add.