The Shriners


I went to a small protestant christian school (a "private" "school") for my primary school years (pre-K to 6th grade) and distinctly remember learning about the big bang as a mechanism that god produced. None of it seemed contradictory, quite the opposite actually, as it all made sense. Who else could produce such a

A wonderful idea. This needs to be the argument against teaching creationism in public schools, let the crazies realize ideas are a two-way street.

From what I have heard over the years, there was this one monkey that had AIDS who then had sex with a person who had cancer. Then, that person had sex with a flight attendant who worked for American Airlines and that's where we are at currently.

And why don't we see Hepatitis CancerAIDS or Herpe CancerAIDS? If evolution was true, we would see that.

I was going to say that I don't even own a Big Bang Theory, then I looked at you comment. Damn you.

I think the biggest hit is "Love Love Love, Quantity Quantity"


Thanks again NuDickless.

New York Pizza?

You never even took the first-run limited-edition ones out of their packages, so what good are they?

I loved that he would sip a Big Gulp.

I hope he plays the character similar to Carl Espick, editor of Value Magazine.

"And again, it's like poetry, it's sort of, they rhyme."

Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer
wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund
auch in dich hinein.

"We've got to give him more time!" said none of the judges.

Hello, what have we here?

Only if you send it two-day air.

“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.”

I found my old CD about six months ago and listened to it and you are right, it works for angsty teenage stuff but not for adult depression.