The Shriners

Or Mr. Hitler from World War II?

That's a slam dunk.

That's a slam dunk.

That doesn't look like a bubbler to me; the bowl is too deep and there is no stem. It's just a big pipe.

That doesn't look like a bubbler to me; the bowl is too deep and there is no stem. It's just a big pipe.

I love Fine Time, prefer the Technique album version over a few others.

Saucy Jack = Great

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another Bored film, amiright people? I mean come on; what's the deal with that?

He was pretty good in a couple of episodes of Curb, where he played an asshole plastic surgeon.

Yep, Pierce and Buchanan were cockbags, but ungainliest? I give the award to our seventh president, Andrew Jackson. By all accounts his face all scarred up from too many backwood fights. Cracker.

Yep, always the good ones.

Racist! And I believe the term your looking for is "Oriental."

Ice Road Trucker Channel

This deal is getting worse all the time.

Classic Koski

When Harry Met Sally has a speed walking heart-to-heart scene.

Animals was one of the last albums I listened to when I was swinging into my Pink Floyd stage in high school. By the start of Dogs I knew I found an album I was going to love, and it did not disappoint, or at least disappoint my 17-year old music tastes.

And speaking of slicing, I believe she orders pizza from the Internet.

Oh yeah, Marty is so great, why, just the other day we were having lunch at Toast and I said to him "Marty, you simply MUST do a film with Bobby" and he said "Capital idea!" and then I farted.

Achtung Baby to Passengers was a good time for them, I thought. Can't really say I like anything before or after.