Well Netflix, looks like i'll be reactivating my account soon.
Well Netflix, looks like i'll be reactivating my account soon.
I wonder what IBM's Watson and/or Palantir can tell us with this data.
Was really hoping Wun Wun would collapse on top of Ramsay followed by Sansa feeding Ramsay to the hounds, then killing the hounds and sending their heads to Freys as a gesture of peace.
I'm just worried that HBO might do the AMC split season shit, that would be so frustrating.
Not sure why the dragons didn't break out before, didn't seem like it took much effort for them this time around.
So going to enjoy Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi harassing baby Bolton on the Vicious special tonight.
I saw shade of Mama Stark in our Sansa during that, didn't end up well for mommy though :(
Edd's reaction was pure gold.
I don't know about topped but I quite enjoyed the speech by the Junior Minnesotan Senator in waiting Al Franken because I am old.
Maybe not yours, Queen Beyonce's laundry takes a bit more work.
Zombie lives are worth saving!
It's true, they've traveled a long from the farm.
I am torn between getting getting a kale ink tattoo of quinoa or actual kale.
I vote for Nikki Wade & Helen Stewart from Bad Girls.
I like that Hydroxicut Gummies follows Harriet’s Cheesecakes on that list.
It's been a while since I've seen Man Who Wasn't There but I remember enjoying the hell out of it.
My experience is completely different from your spoilers, the show was painful for me until that moment, after that it got interesting.
Will it be an all female cast MacGyver movie?
Can I trade 10 x Czuchries for a Sookie please?
I always thought Winding Refn was Danish not Dutch.