
"its almost as if New York were a character in the film"—anyone, you name it, they said it.

because he loves MONEY.

Well at least there's a precedent for senators killing people with cars.

No, that I'm just waiting around to be proven right about…

Well if I'm being honest, I hate all those conglomerates!

This may not be a popular opinion around here, but fuck Disney.

That's just so they can save face with their friends; none of them want to admit they treat Doctor Who like reading romance novels!

How is that disturbig? Middle aged women love the sexy middle aged men they get to play the Doctor; probably the only reason they watched the show. It's kind of goofy, but makes sense that they would be upset.

Who is ACTUALLY saying that tho

Seems like you're hanging out with the wrong humans!

A tip; don't assume YouTube commenters represent any significant amount of humanity; it will make your day much better.

Hah! Yeah! Take that, artists!

Make time to record them! Screw the DVR and record those songs, fellow music-maker!

Hey AV Club, James Cromwell went to jail today.

Surprisingly not an issue. Though I was lead to believe film making is a "creative" industry.

No and not at all! So, do I have the job?

Oh I can stand the dumb! Very excited for this movie, hope it does very well.

I guess this would be a bad time to ask if you need any PAs for your film projects.

I live in North Carolina and I voted NINE THOUSAND TIMES.

I've seen Bob Dylan about five or six times now.