
They're still letting Guy Ritchie do this? After that horrible King Arthur flop?

Dougie DOES shine best when he's barely in it.

I would love to be able to get this kind of budget to release a free short film on YouTube.

I cried, too. That final battle was so goddamn long I wanted to die.

I'm sorry to hear that.


Ah yes, good ole Aperaham Lincoln.

North Carolina? That's where I live!

Oh ho fuck, Mike is amazing.

The best aspect is listening to music and/or audio books. But yeah, it's not great exercise, its miserably hot, and I eat too much because the job stresses me out now. So, it's time to quit in about a month.

I was hoping for Margot Kidder, but I guess things just aren't that cool.

That's what I thought, and still do, but I'm young and it's time for me to move on to different things!

Hey I just work there! And not for much longer I hope…

We were just talking about Sisyphus today at work. We work landscaping and mow the same lawns every week…

Didn't Ken Burns do a documentary on this as well?

That is fucking fantastic thank you so much.

There was a great video from maybe 06 or 07 with a bunch of world leaders walking around shaking each other's hands, and literally every single one of them ignoring Dubya. It was gold, wish I could find it again.

I love em!

I think generally movies shot on film nowadays don't go through digital processing; I remember the cinematographer of Hail, Caesar! talking about how his options were limited for getting the film stock processed because of how digital has taken over, but I'm no expert.

Whatever he did, it seems to work for those movies. I like digital because it lets me make shitty short films with my friends, but film just has more weight to it, or something.