
In my experience this is what most people say the first time they see him. For some reason if they ever see him again, they are blown away. I've enjoyed every performance I've seen him do.

On an album titled "Love and Theft", if you catch the joke.

The lines he quotes from the Charlie Poole song "You Ain't Talkin To Me" do not appear in the recorded version. He's playing on the fact that people have accused him of plagiarism, when he's just continued a long, long, long tradition of adding his own twists to old, old, old songs.

based on the image, I'm pretty sure Stan Lee owns the rights to THAT hand gesture.

I loved Good Dinosaur

that was great, the things after that were fine, and now I'm just ready for Coop.

When the season premiered, I joked with my friends about Lynch getting double the episodes they originally offered, and just using the same amount of story and stretching it out for twice the length. Now, I'm not so sure it was a joke…

I can make an educated guess about the first one:
—If his dad (Dougie) is really a Black Lodge creation, some of that darkness could easily slip into Sonny Jim, either in dreams or unexplainable dread, and thus the light must help him feel a little safer.

-What's Nadine up to?
-Doc Hayward is apparently in the show, will we know what happened to Donna?
-Does Donna's absences have anything to do with James' accident?
-Will we get a follow up on Bobby?
-Will we be spending more time in Twin Peaks?
-What's Sonny Jim going to do when he finds out his dad turned into a small

Yeah I'm pretty sensitive about kids getting killed in stuff, especially since we had no previous connection to the kid or the mom, and it was done for a seemingly cheap emotional effect. Granted they used to to connect the Hardy Dean Stanton character to the events, and give us some intrigue between the Horne kid and

3.5 episodes. He got out in episode 3; has been Dougie for episodes 4, 5, and 6. It's been pretty long.

Good points!

Dougie is the only thing wearing thin on me at this point. I wasn't a huge fan of the somewhat manipulative lets-kill-a-kid-to-make-you-hate-a-character, but it was a well crafted scene. I'm really enjoying the jumping around to all these characters, and I wish we could see more of some of the older ones, just to

This is my concern as well.

The most frustrating thing to me about the new season is how long it is taking for Coop to wake up. I get it, it's a slow burn, and once the whole story has revealed itself, I'm sure I'll be satisfied, but this Dougie stuff is just kind of stressing me out. At this point we'll be lucky if Coop wakes up at the halfway

"I have the worst fucking lawyers."

And I liked Joel Edgerton in Attack of the Clones.

Elvis, anytime between 1969 and 1973

I think it may have been Frankie in season 6, or Annie.

"You REST your case??"—some show, I think Community