

I liked it; it reminded me of a twist you'd see in a movie from the Golden Age of Hollywood, which this movie seemed to take a lot of other elements from, at least in tone. But yeah the third act was the weakest; which seems to be the case with most action movies.

I think it was pretty popular before that…

Yeah, i assume things about groups of people in locations other than mine too!

BOOOOORING! Why can't he just be mad about how Rogue One was a bad movie or something normal for Christ sake.

How do you know he's not black? Is it because no one on the AV Club is black?

Only Pig-Americans can use that word

Still running circles around Slater, I see!

No, your head won't not explode?

Remember when the AV club posted news about movies and shows with a funny, sarcastic twist? Yeah, that was nice.

Well, if they say it, you still wouldn't have to say it, so I'm not sure what the problem is there.

Just the kind of thinking I would expect from the man who peddled Zygrot-24

I love this director, his movie Norte, The End of History was mind blowing.

Well…good for him, I guess.

What ever happened to him anyway? He reviewed all of community until season 6, then they gave us some shmo who had literally never seen the show before.

ah yes, well…I'm not sure, but the show may be suffering Because of Joel's presence at this point…

Why didn't YOU write season 11; maybe then I woulda gotten some laughs.

They're still making those? Good for them.

I really like the fist fight between Batman and Bane at the end battle. Also I love how obsessive Chris Nolan is at his character arcs; every one to the smallest character grows or changes in someway throughout the course of the film. I also appreciate how he tied it to both Dark Knight and Batman Begins, giving the

Oh man where to begin? It predicted the awful rise of neo-fascism and cult of personality in the US, it depicts a politically charged environment with a villain that had sympathetic motives and a hero who uses morally questionable tactics, it tackles some great mythological and archetypal themes of conquering the