
pretty sure it's still in full effect.

…because of obamacare?

Civil War is about as bad as Batman v Superman

Last Temptation by Spcrsese is pretty good.

Dude spoiler ALERT

Got em!

Is that passive-aggressive enough?

Like erroneously claiming Brie Larson kissing Casey Affleck on the cheek but not clapping was a "silent protest"?

Plus home video is dead; most shows don't even come out on DVD anymore; it's all about streaming or seeing something on the big screen as cheaply as possible (i.e. Second run theaters.)

Well the one in my town (Raleigh, NC) does a great business! Every theater is crowded Friday and Saturday nights. I went to see Silence midday on a weekend and there were actually a lot of people in the theater.

That's bogus. I hope to someday bring second run theaters back into the mainstream nationwide…somehow!

Great, now it won't play at my second run $2.50 theater for ANOTHER 3 months…

It does; just not when they're famous.

He's smarter than he wanted you to think

We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank is one of my all time favorite albums.

Grunge fans can like moody synth-pop too.

Different band…technically.

In more serious news, Warren Frost (Doc Hayward in Twin Peaks, and Susan's dad on Seinfeld) has died. He was 91, which is pretty awesome.

just tell us when the new season comes out already! Then I'll buy your stupid comic books!

that's not too early enough.