
How do you know all this

Thanks Disney, for passing up a dozen good ideas to bankroll some trash, again.

Reminds me of the original…but who cares there wasn't even ONE explosion in that version!

"I swear to god I am not in the illuminati"-Jay Z

God fucking dammit there is no God.

For one glorious second I thought we were getting a GTA IV movie.

Can't wait for you to win!!!

Leave it to AT&T to make a monopoly, again.

Well this still may not happen, and if it does I'm sure it'll stink what with the people who wrote Krampus and all…

Oh so now at least we KNOW it will be good…

are you talking about We Need To Talk About Kevin? Because that movies terrible!

He'll show up, give a speech that very few people will understand, and continue to inspire wannabe artists like myself.

Sinbad really is the greatest comedian of our time.

So will probably most people.

I know Lindsay Buckingham is like a sex freak, but that doesn't mean you can call him a Wild Turkey!

How could she misspell Jolene like that??

Hulu has tons of classics; they have most Criterion releases! Honestly Netflix movies selection has gotten pretty awful the last 3 years or so…

Is it only me who hates all these high resolution transfers of old movies in surround sound? First of all they were recorded in MONO in many cases, secondly I ain't got no damn fancy surround sound I'm watching movies on my laptop over here!

Graphics don't matter as long as the gameplay is good and I don't have to watch a feature length cutscene to actually PLAY a GAME.

Who cares? What will that do? He has no sway over the real powers that be. He'll win 5 or 6 states MAYBE. Clinton will win in the biggest landslide in 30+ years.