
If you didn't think Rolling Stone has been trash for 20+ years, you will now!

It was my birthday so I had a film party where we had the extended lord of the rings on for 12 hours straight. It was pretty awesome but I was also on acid for the beginning, so I hung around outside for most of the first film and saw George Costandalf in the clouds

Not to mention a "fuck you" to all other languages besides good ol American English!

According to a quick Google search he became a zookeeper and hung out with lions!

Yeah I understand. I like a lot of aspects of his movies, but they don't really seem cohesive to me. Maybe that's because he pretty much makes his movies in the editing room as opposed to sticking to a clear vision for the entire process. But hey what do I know!

Fuck off

He's a big fat New Yorker (no, really, he is)

Nice reference 😉👍

Well I was 11 when that came out…I did see Tree of Life at my local independent theater, and I saw To the Wonder was on Netflix, but Knight of Cups came and went without me even knowing, and it seems like Joirney of Time will do the same thing.

Think of it this way: he's an artist whose medium is film, but his movies look like he's never seen a movie in his life. This works both for and against him, depending what kind of mood your in and how frilly the dialogue is in any particular movie.

Too bad none of his recent films ever come to a theater near me…

Robin, NOT present ☹️

Did you really call George W Bush "one of America's least-intelligent presidents"? You realize he single handedly turned this country from a loose republic to an all out fascist regime, right?

I guess there is a god after all

Wow Hollywood just keeps making the BEST movies available….

I think I'm the only one who would say The Motion Picture is the best of the movies.

Okay now I'm definitely not voting.

What the hell is "Hollywood"?

Personally I hope it bombs as bad as Ben- Hur

Did you even see the Seinfeld episode where the Yankees switch to cotton? Polyester makes a man.