
For real. If your last name is Weiner and you are in the public eye, there's ONE thing you don't do. Just ONE THING. And he went and did it.

I Agree, which is exactly why the MCU (owned by omnicorp Disney) is much more likely to be pulling some They Live shit than Warner Bros and DC who are just trying to make a quick buck.

That'd be pretty intense

Same honestly. It's because you're not on college schedule. Your bowls don't give a fuck of you have a class at 3, they have more important things to attend to.

I think you're thinking of the MARVEL Cinematic Universe. DC wants that but everybody hates it, so…

Of course it wasn't that bad of an idea, he's fucking LOADED!

Wait…what's Suicide Squat?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh mama

I hate this stupid commercial bullish—-STAR WARS ????!!!!!

Oh to live in a time where just releasing records was at all profitable!

My grandma saw them in England a long time back. She said she could barely hear them because all the other girls were screaming at the top of their lungs for the entire show. So it goes.

I love the communists!

Woah dude what the heck? Hillary is horrible but Trump is much worse. I just wish AV Club would at least poke fun at BOTH candidates.

Jill Stein 2016 buddy

Nope, they nixed that one, too….

Just come on out and support Hillary already, we all know you're obliged to by your parent company

If the AV Club was ACTUALLY in touch with its readers, it should know that we have NO DISPOSABLE INCOME you bougie fucks.

I would call it a masterpiece. A flawed one for sure, but I think there is an artistic brilliance to the world building, the color scheme, the Jungian archetypes of the characters. It's really something else.

That's what I love about it. It's so psychedelic and mystical, not to mention the beautiful cinematography.

Keep it classy, Chicago.