
Wow RIP Welshie AND Anton

Hey I'm making YouTube movies on a friggin iPhone over here!

That's not very open minded of you…

Bush did 9/11 ya shmuck!


RIP Anton ☹️

Beakman's World was better.

"We're that it 'twere so sample"
"So it's commies, then…"

Yeah Employee of the Month was brilliant.

I just watch for the Bob Costas commentary…

I don't have access to most of these games (although I do have Super Mario All Stars on my SNES) and I've always wanted to play these early Zeldas and Metroids so I think it'll be well worth the chunk of change for xmas

Yes! Now his movies can look like shit, too!

Pssssh you wish.

Help disqus won't let me check my notifications with my AV Club profile…

A New York minute means super speedy delivery.

Isn't Warren Buffet more richer?

Scream 4 is funnier than Anchorman. There, I said it.

Yes! They are a small but very angry group.

Close: it's a lizard person feasting on attention.
