
True, but also I love watching those videos on YouTube. And how can I trust you, the guy who is shilling for Zygrot 24 ??

I KNOW what a nooze is, thanks.

What the hell is a book?

Right? I admit, Disney owning Star Wars is kinda lame especially since their not just sticking to a trilogy but jamming it down our throats. That being said, The Force Awakens was so much better than anything Cameron has done in 20, even 30 years!

Butthole Surfers?

Good, I think these films should have a distinct feel that is different from the trilogies.

He was pretty much the only good part of x men 3.

If they would just add alienating already, everyone would love it!

Hah, oh Coogin, will you ever learn?

Except not, cuz they're moving to California…

Don't let him show you the captain's log!!!

I'd prefer Lucas to this guy honestly.

…so like the Marvel movies?

Hey if they can pull it off, more power to em.

I think it's pretty cool

Hell fucking Yeah. ROCK AND ROLL CAN NEVER DIE 666!

Yeah, wel, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Disney demanding major reshoots, the blatant attempt and activating our nostalgia with Original Trilogy era weapons and ships, and now trying to get us to buy tickets by promising to feature a character whose arc has already been shown to us and probably will have no real significance to this film other than to fill

This sounds worse and worse.

Read the headline and thought "Jared Fogle?"