
I wasn't talking about lizard people…

Holy shit why are they even making movies anymore it's all sequels.

And no one deserves to be murdered in cold blood, no matter what.

I thought it was cuz all the good writers left on some damn idealistic crusade.

Well I guess all I ask is that this third trilogy be excellent, then they can make as many more Star Wars movies as they want and I'll probably go see none of them, and everyone wins.

They should all cheer up since everyone will just come back to life anyway.

1. Luis Guzman is in it

Okay everyone knows the pyramids were made AT LEAST 25 THOUSAND years ago, long before your pathetic "Thor" was even thought up.

Right but what I'm saying is: take into to 9, then just do yer stupid boba fett and Django fett and mos eisley and captain panaka movies and have it be 3 trilogies which makes logical AND artistic sense (pleasing both sides of brain).

That's pretty hard to do when the new trilogy has the original cast…

Oh god I hope and pray they don't make any more REAL Star Wars movies after 9. Just leave it at 3 trilogies and make as many dumb fan fictions as their petty money loving hearts desire

I have an Infinity Gauntlet at work: it's this huge area we have to weedwack cuz you can't get a mower down there. But still, I'm glad Josh Brolin is happy with the story in addition the that sweet sweet paycheck.

Just keep in mind this is probably the last movie David Bowie ever watched.

YA can be for young men, too!


me too, but probably not the kind of gang Chris Evans would join.

Also this means aquamarine will probably be kinda awesome now

Yeah Avatar only made 700thousand domestically, has a single movie made 1 billion in America alone?

The jokes on them I have adblock

Yeah I fucking hate Jimmy Fallon. He's such a lizard.