
First they start pulling people over for going ONE MILE over the speed limit, now this. FUCK THE POLICE IN MY STATE

Thanks Frank Miller for ruining everything.

God forbid Harrison Ford enjoy doing the only movies he was ever good in.

Dear god not the four solo albums!!!!!!

First of all, this article is horse bull because it insinuates season 11 is bad. Secondly, agreed.

Why do you think all those wall streets take so much cocaine? The hours are ridiculous, but it pays well.

Oh man Uganda be kidding me was so awful and jingoistic it made me ill.

Where the white women at ?

I will help you write that script

Love the kardashians too

Absolutely love this film! Watched it when I was on a Joe Dante kick, and it was just so sweet and well made and reminded me of being a kid and going to the movies in the middle of the summer even though there was no Cold War I still relate to this film quite a bit.

This idea sounds like a bit they would come up with on Community

And will still be better than into Darkness!

Still, nice Gentleman's F.

Rifftrax is definitely hit and miss, and in many movies it's just them sort of…riffin' (just bullshitting while other things are happening in the movie) but all their live events have been very on point and often funnier than a throw away episode of the Sci Fi era.

Please explain?? I know not of pettiness from Trace!

I told you he wouldn't finish those dang books on time

It worked really well on my iPhone using the app. But whenever I wants to watch it on a laptop or a TV I instantly gave up and pirated the episodes. Having said that, maybe my favorite season of my favorite non-Seinfeld live action comedy show of all time.

Are those two pictures of the same guy?

more like: it's going to come out in 2030…and still be crap.