
You're thinking of Hanson.

Blame is just a four letter word

its now 10 hours past labor day and there haven't been any updates, so yeah you aren't working, clearly.

Good I hope Hollywood crumbles

Enough of this naysaying! This song is fun and good and enjoyable and I actually enjoy it a lot.

Like its not already on tv enough

Here's an idea: get a new showrunner

For real. Can't we have real artists doing covers of a real artist please?

Well, at least my suspicions that the NFL is run by the Mob can be put to rest.

Wii U or Bust.

well, at least we can always count on NBC to be forward thinking and "with it".

Britta has her own show?!?!

I notice a distinct lack of Frank Zappa on here.

Oh treebeard is in this?

Fair enough, but quality?

The AV Club turned into buzzfeed so slowly, I didn't even notice.

I actually like this better than Batman Forever. Even if its just because I get to see Ahnold painted blue. That's pretty great to look at. Also "What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!"

but his lil bat ears are so qute tho

I watched Independence Day for the first time at midnight on Starz or Encore or something. It was alright.

but was it even Filmed in 70mm?