Jeff R.

Person who came in fifth: I'll give you a job at one of my restaurants.  4th place Krissi: I'll let you eat at one of my restaurants.  I guess.

I think that they deduct a few points for "had to borrow a key ingredient from another contestant" without mentioning that they're doing it whenever that happens.

The fact that the last two "who's going to win"s that made it to the final edit picked Luca (and Jessie's was apparently edited out; at this point I'm assuming they do ask everyone.) is evidence in this direction as well.

Masterchef actually starts its two hours at 8 rather than 9, in case anyone who cares hadn't already guessed/assumed as much.

Has 'spot on' really not gotten to 10?

They don't start editing the footage into episodes until after it's all done.  So they always have some 'give' in how many hours the auditions are going to get, and can split/not split other episodes as they want.

If they're really at this point, they should just bring back Original Recipe Law & Order, since the courtroom side is the more interesting part of this kind of story and you wouldn't have to throw in a gratuitous sex crime element either.

Those lower case 'I's make me miss her so much less.

I really wish one of the gallery people would have said "No, we hate you because you're a thoroughly unpleasant human being."

So, I think that if you only require a sip for "mini-dome" the drinking game might actually be survivable.

You know, the steak challenge is my top contender for "completely staged contest done to replace the Paula Deen segment" so far.  (Low budget, no location, low challenge.)  Which would mean that it was the Deen one that Krissi legitimately won, I guess.

When is somebody going to correct Krissi on the difference between vegans and ordinary vegetarians?

Wait until the kid in front of you clears the bottom before you start.

So, have they already successfully edited Paula Deen out of her episode, or did they originally save her for the last regular-cycle episode or the finale?

Way too heavy on the gimmick episodes, and some of the best the show has to offer isn't even in the 10 more.  (Last Dance Before an Execution, A Single Drop of Rain, and Catch a Falling Star are all better hours of TV and better exemplars of what this show was fundamentally about than at least half of these ten.)

So, all of those dozen or so diabetics are pretty much dead in a week/well before the end of the season, right?

No comments on the most ridculous line in the episode?  'The Dome is affecting magnetic fields. The Military will never stand for that; the Chinese might be able to achieve a strategic butterfly gap!'

I can see that Davis being in the mix, if only because it's a bit less overused than the R.E.M., but no DJ worthy of the title could ever not include 'Rock the Casbah' in that situation.

Which didn't stop Krissi from calling her a Vegan literally seconds after the judges mentioned the goat cheese.  (Mind, given the editing, she could have actually said that months ago for all we know.  But probably not.)  But that's just because Krissi is an idiot.

So, the utter nondescriptness of the previews for next week probably mean that that's when the Deen appearance happens, right?