That was cut and pasted directly from a thread on Reddit, by the infamous user "Bozarking".
That was cut and pasted directly from a thread on Reddit, by the infamous user "Bozarking".
Sorry, thizzy, everbody knows when you say the man's name you say it like so:
Shit, I was coming here to make a "Gaga's really let herself go" joke.
you know what place really sucks? Rascal Flattsland.
Any of you commenters ever been mistaken for men?
You know that .gif of the kid saying "Oh snap!" over and over?
I haven't been this mad since I was King George III.
"indistinct Caucasian couple"
hey ho let's go! hey ho let's go!
Miss Guided. Funny show. Underrated and underwatched. Easiest, yet least appealing way of describing it was "The Office set in a High School"
Chains and Black Exhaust
Track down, find, borrow, wheedle, plead for, or steal a copy of this compilation.
Failed millionthses?
I quite agree. In a related vein, I currently refuse to patronize many dancing establishments, as the female customers are of poor moral fiber, and frankly, the beer is indistinguishable from urine.
I met him the same night at a bar in the Quarter. Couldn't have been cooler, and he offered to buy me a beer.
Sorry, she's busy making me a sandwich.
If they were underage balls, the director might've been pounding at your door.
Yeah, he wears a tank top, and honks a horn and talks about cheetos.
Unless you turned it into a "Luther", I'm not feeling it.