Sir Lawrence Oblivians

Endless Boogie
is a bit of a silly name, but the band's music is all killer heavy 70's rock riffage and such.

And really…
Why is it now fashionable to deride Converse Chuck Taylors as a symbol of all things indie, quasi-indie, affected, pretentious, scenester-hipster, and jamipster?

Spoiler alert
This whole movie is a trick; halfway through, the audience gets "Rickrolled" into Bad Boys 3….

No one gets to be first

Was I the only one slightly turned on
when Liz brushed off any talk of Alopecia with the quip "very hairy"?

Drop that zero and get with the hero


I saw the same Oedipal gag
On an episode of Cybil back in 97 or so.