
Has anyone mentioned the old Biritish horror film The Innocents? Not only is the whole thing spooky as fuck, but it ends with the possessed boy dying because he finally acknowledged the haunting? It sounds a little goofy, but Christ is it hard to watch.

Oh, great call. Head-On is such a gut-punch film, though it's nadir for me is Sibel's blissful realization of her feelings at the fairgrounds followed by Cahit's violence is just…awful.

I screen The Proposition for my Intro to Cinema class this summer and one of my students wrote this in her paper about it: "It seems that The Proposition argues that bad people will do horrific things, good people will do cruel things, and everyone's just going to die anyway."

Boyle + Sorkin =/= Peckinpah

I took a class on Westerns in school and when we were talking about Ride the High Country and The Wild Bunch the class's instructor said that he thought Peckinpah was in many ways the successor to John Ford and all of Ford's inherent themes and concerns. Being an enormous fan of the both of them I have found