
Put. the bunny. in. the box.

I agree with your first two sentences. Your last one has me hexing at you over the interwebs.

fuck the breadcrumb dick satan!

By the power of this vest on me, shots!

ya little shit!

Cool story, bra

He's got a pretty funny sense of humor, especially if he can turn it inward. Look at his recurring role as a prison warden (basically a job he was forced to take because his governor wife didn't want him playing Guitar Hero in his underwear all day long) in My Name is Earl. That was gold.

Every time he calls it a different show, drink!

Unless it's a digital watch.


Like a broken watch

Speaker: Question to the Prime Minister, Mr. Michael Shersby.
Michael Shersby: How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who…
…What I'm trying to say is..
Speaker:Mr. Shersby!! You've been warned seven times this month to stop bringing up Oasis!
Michael Shersby: But

Don touch dem.

The Tom Hanks podcast is gold. If you could have a top ten podcast eps of ALL podcasts of the past 5 years, if this didn't win, it would probably be in the Top 5. It shows him at his best, but it also brings out the best in the Nerdist crew.

I always kind of just put up with Liz & Liz for a while, then I just gave in and enjoyed them. Now that little comment in the intro "It's based on our names." has me in stitches every time.

That was funny. It almost looked like they froze the bit after that comment because he cracked the other guys up.

I can see why Armond would wear thin, but for some reason he just makes me crack. EVERY time he makes a dog pun, there is the tiniest little grin that makes me think he's a little happy "Yeah, you did hear that pun there, bitch"

Yeah, I thought about Juliet as being a shining bright spot of early season 3. I actually liked the first part of season 3 when it aired, especially since it was so different. I'm sort of lukewarm to those eps in retrospect, but they aren't bad methinks.

It was amazing stuff.

Maybe because a bum season of the Wire is not really that much of a bum season. It's like saying some of your gold is not worth as much as your other gold because it has a little dirt on it.