
GLut. is back! Hoorah!

OH SHIT!!! I just noticed Cybersibil's avatar! BOOOOOOOOOOOOBSSSSSSS!!!

I'd still bang her. It would be a spiteful banging though.

No, I do not have an impostor. I sometimes refer to myself as KaratIoz.

Shit, I wish I had Photoshop. I would have put phel's picture on a naked body and beat my wang to a bloody stump.

In Key to the Kingdom you had to get the key to escape from the kingdom. There was a whirlpool and a Gargantuan Cockroach. It's been awhile since I played.

I'm with Karatloz on this one, the more I look at it, the more I laugh. I miss the original one though. It… aroused me.

Yeah, I hope nobody does anything like that to my picture. What a bunch of creeps.

Did anyone ever play Key to the Kingdom? Man, that game took forever, but it was the greatest game known to man.

Well, this is my favorite article on this site.

Mind if I pipe in with my opinion? I would totally do Bellona. I would do her long, and I would do her hard. I would do her till the sun sets, and then do her till the sun rises. I would do her on the floor, and I would do her on the ceiling. I would do her while listening to The Beatles, and I would do her while

It's "Fuck You" in Nigerian.

Hey, I'm a psych major! We should hang out sometime.

You succeeded, you wee little cutie pie.

What happened to Karatloz? I rarely see him around anymore.

I definitely 'bated to this movie! Weird… I didn't recognize the title.

Norman Mailer doesn't know shit about writing.

This just might be my favorite ZODIAC comment. Short and sweet.

You're all forgetting the E-Wing! It's the Chang of starfighters.

I swear this is unintentional! Please don't ban-hammer me!