
Lots of complainin' going on, but this was a great episode in a season that's been hearkening to the early run of the show: Challenging clues and detours, largely likeable teams under duress (a big bummer about the Jesus Dudez, but Coattail Dad's the new villain; also Grandparents are reminding me of Teri and Ian in a

I thought he was perfectly cast as Denham…An obnoxious, self-sure flim flam man, and that's what Jackson got from Black.

Also, FOX, quit foisting God Bless America on baseball fans, they only do that on the 7th inning stretch when it's on FOX. It's ten years after 9/11, let it go.

Of course all of this griping goes out the window the moment the movie is considered a success.

Agree with most of the article, thought I'd add Robin William's lead turn in Moscow on the Hudson, and Jack Black's role in King Kong to the mix.

Between this and last week's commentary, it sounds like we were having very similar reactions to this material, Tecumseh.

Wow, DBag, you keep that unrealistic thing going. Lady's been on my radar since Cleopatra 2525.

That was something he mentioned at the beginning of this recent run. He'd be reading S8 while watching Angel's S5…He is a busy lad, though, so who knows.

So, what are the odds of this being covered as a TV Club Classic?

Well, much like many teams in recent seasons past. I'm glad the clues are difficult, even vaguely worded, that's a good throwback to the beginning of the show.

Knowing what I know now, I do wish the coming storyline would've been done with Carpenter instead of Torres, though.

From the standpoint of having watched this unfold week to week when it originally aired, I have to say that Angel's S4 run provided the perfect anecdote to Buffy's S7, which I felt was spinning its thematic wheels (with some good eps here and there) until the finale.

While I had some problem with the Oedipal mess of a storyline, this is still one of my favorite runs in the Buffyverse, up there with post-Surprise S2 and the entirety of S3 on BtVS.

So, preggers, tattooed, the Playboy spread all combined for the bad vibes.

Future Book v. Film?
Reading the book for the first time, long time after watching the Warburton movie (which is pretty awesome on its own merits), and wondered if the erstwhile column would make a return for this.

Question now is, do they love him or her? I'm willing to bet that it's him they love.

I'll Take
Kupono over Jason, and Caitlin over Randi or Kayla, really (though Kayla has grown on me). So so glad to be rid of Philip, a likeable dude and impressive popper, but I still think he should've been gone after week 1.

Or Close Range.

Even then, there are countless better ways to spend your time in that condition than watching Snoop get baked.

The Same Review
could be applied to Dance Hall at Louse Point, which still features some great tracks and a deadly cover of "Is That All There Is?"