Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

What ruined Huck Finn for me was pretty much every scene with Tom Sawyer.

Surely Plan 9 From Outer Space is the true owner of that title?

Well, that's one of the Commie categories sewn up for this year.

I really like Van Morrison, but I hate Brown Eyed Girl.

I think the new halved series mean they don't need to do Doctor/companion-lite episodes any more, because they've got more time to shoot.

I'd expect more civility from a Family Man.

Honestly, we're a little tired of it now.

Drops of fucking Jupiter. In 20-fucking-11.

I beleive he was quoting Archer

It's cool when you later study the book and realize that a lot of what seems like surreal whimsy is actually a really pointed satire of Victorian society (especially the education system).

The Cronenberg one?

Emily wins the sibling-off - Wuthering Heights is miles better than Jane Eyre.

It's like East London turned up to 11.


I only saw bits of that, but it seemed like they took the Doug Stanhope segments from Charlie Brooker's show and then dropped the humour and irony. The bit I saw seemed to be boiled down to 'HEY AMERICA AND THE UK ARE DIFFERENT! LET'S BE WILFULLY IGNORANT ABOUT THAT!' which would be all right if it were actually funny.

Edgar Wright seems to be the important element of the team - he's the only one who has made a film outside of the Shaun/Fuzz/Spaced team-ups that stands up to those films.

This pretty much what you'd hope a Shane Black written superhero movie would be (within the limit of the 12A rating, obviously).

It's pretty much what you would hope a Shane Black written/directed Iron Man movie would be (within the limits of a 12A rating, obviously).

Yeah, sounds interesting…

The actual line is "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.'"