Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

By the sounds of things, Pod is one and a half men on his own.

It was kind of shocking, the moment I realised that Jaime was probably my favourite character.

They're Turtles in New York.

Waiting For Steakflower

Hold on, are we hating on the reviewer because he dares to actually analyse the text instead of offering up a dull recap of the episode?

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. It seems like your interpretation is that the episode wasn't intended as a discourse on gender and so that needn't be a problem. The issue with that (if that is what you meant) is that it's irrelevant whether or not the episode hinged on gender roles or something else -

Don't tell anyone, but I'm Thomas Pynchon.

I suppose we're supposed to go along with the fact that he's preoccupied with the loss of his companion and in the heat of the moment. It's not wholly out of character, especially for Smith's Doctor, and I think I preferred just getting on with the plot as opposed to a Tennent-eque 'I'm so sorry' scene (which it

I have to say I was getting a Primer vibe from this episode. Admittedly DW doesn't have to worry about the (semi) plausible explanations for what is happening like Primer did.

Hey, one of those actors was Asher-D from So Solid Crew.

I think she was fun when she was a side character - it was when she became the Doctor's foil she started to really grate as a character. It got to be like a predicable sit-com set-up (Doctor does something silly, River berates him /or River makes oblique reference to their relationship status  Doctor gets embarrassed)

I think the 'spinning through space thing' is because it can (for some reason) travel as a conventional space craft as well as a timey-spacey magic box.

Wait, I though he was criticising the brother for acting like that (i.e. acting less concerned than a 'robot'), not doing it himself.

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus

*toys with lighter, raises eyebrow*

I thought Colin could have had something to do with it after the meeting in Paul's office while he was with Felix (could he have been used as a distraction  to stop Felix's monitoring?), but I'm pretty sure I was wrong as it was all recorded (and surely they'd know if they knew etc.).

Pretty ballsy to feature an literal reset button though.

Yeah - I think it was a pretty nifty way of hinting to the audience that not all of the alternate timeline has been erased from their minds. With the preoccupation this half-series with the Doctor's true name you just know that what Clara saw in the book is going to come back eventually.

Like the guy above, I think it was more of a succession plot than a joke.

I'm not usually someone who gets that worked up over television, but if Clara turns out to be River Song I will set fire to something.