Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The Muppet Christmas Carol was released on the actual day of my birth? That's incredible, no wonder I love that film so much.

The Muppet Christmas Carol was released on the actual day of my birth? That's incredible, no wonder I love that film so much.

I hope someone digs up the 'Twelve Days of Dawesmas' that we all collaborated on last year.

I hope someone digs up the 'Twelve Days of Dawesmas' that we all collaborated on last year.

I always thought that the point was that they both wanted to spend the night. Again, I think my enjoyment of the song is due to the only version I've listened to being the Ella Fitzgerald/Louis Jordan version where they both seem to be having fun recording it.

I always thought that the point was that they both wanted to spend the night. Again, I think my enjoyment of the song is due to the only version I've listened to being the Ella Fitzgerald/Louis Jordan version where they both seem to be having fun recording it.



And the drummer looks like a slightly better groomed Dude.

And the drummer looks like a slightly better groomed Dude.

Only if it literally were Bubbles and a cartoon pony.

Only if it literally were Bubbles and a cartoon pony.

Yeah, David Simon seems to have a free reign over how long his episodes are (not that I'm complaining…)

Yeah, David Simon seems to have a free reign over how long his episodes are (not that I'm complaining…)

I know Ska gets is despised 'round here (no doubt because of the white '90s combos), but the original stuff like Desmond Dekker and Prince Buster is brilliant.

I know Ska gets is despised 'round here (no doubt because of the white '90s combos), but the original stuff like Desmond Dekker and Prince Buster is brilliant.

While My Movie Gently BWAAAMPS

While My Movie Gently BWAAAMPS

He tries to destroy the painting as it's the final reminder of his murder of Basil Haywood and, in a way evidence of all he has done - he intends to free himself of the past, literally and symbolically.

He tries to destroy the painting as it's the final reminder of his murder of Basil Haywood and, in a way evidence of all he has done - he intends to free himself of the past, literally and symbolically.