Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff, and yet I still masturbate."

I think a big problem is that the reason these games work is the role-playing aspect. As you place yourself (in terms of POV, literally) in the shoes of the character cinematic devices become secondary in favour of experience, this naturally doesn't translate well.

I think a big problem is that the reason these games work is the role-playing aspect. As you place yourself (in terms of POV, literally) in the shoes of the character cinematic devices become secondary in favour of experience, this naturally doesn't translate well.

De'Londa Brice.

De'Londa Brice.

Don't let's make fun of Richard's acne.

Don't let's make fun of Richard's acne.

Okay, I'm not entirely sure on this order, but here we go:

Okay, I'm not entirely sure on this order, but here we go:

I'm scarred for life by that creepy kid on the paté cans…

I'm scarred for life by that creepy kid on the paté cans…

That segues into a joke John Cooper Clarke told at the gig last night:

That segues into a joke John Cooper Clarke told at the gig last night:

To be fair so did Kurt…

To be fair so did Kurt…

Smells like Linx Africa (or a year 8 school changing room - it's really the same thing.)

Smells like Linx Africa (or a year 8 school changing room - it's really the same thing.)

In Britain a backlash forms and a number of retro themed shows will crop up - most notably BBC's Blur (with a constantly changing premise) and Channel 4's Oasis (very one-note with a studio audience). The rating wars will be intense and fans of each side will stubbornly say that theirs won. Later most people will

In Britain a backlash forms and a number of retro themed shows will crop up - most notably BBC's Blur (with a constantly changing premise) and Channel 4's Oasis (very one-note with a studio audience). The rating wars will be intense and fans of each side will stubbornly say that theirs won. Later most people will