Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Collectively, yes.

My notifications box has been a waste land since I did.

My notifications box has been a waste land since I did.

J.R. Hartley?

J.R. Hartley?

Parade's End was really good, but I don't quite think it counts.

Parade's End was really good, but I don't quite think it counts.

And by most accounts young boys.

And by most accounts young boys.

Mitt Romney's daughter
Mitt Romney's daughter
Mitt Romney's daughter's got it bad.

Mitt Romney's daughter
Mitt Romney's daughter
Mitt Romney's daughter's got it bad.

Ten, and in the wrong country…

Ten, and in the wrong country…

I did not realise there was this much hate for series 3 - it may have been slightly broader, but it was still bloody funny.

I did not realise there was this much hate for series 3 - it may have been slightly broader, but it was still bloody funny.

I think one of the satellite channels plays re-runs, but any awareness of the show over here is due to the internet.

I think one of the satellite channels plays re-runs, but any awareness of the show over here is due to the internet.

I hadn't read the books when the first series started so I got the parents to watch it because the adverts looked great and we all like LoTR. Nobody was quite expecting what we got. We made it to the end and there was a lot of embarrassed 'it was okay'  comments and the rest of the series was left to accumulate,

I hadn't read the books when the first series started so I got the parents to watch it because the adverts looked great and we all like LoTR. Nobody was quite expecting what we got. We made it to the end and there was a lot of embarrassed 'it was okay'  comments and the rest of the series was left to accumulate,

He can no longer shop happily?