Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Mumford and Sons are pretty much Kings of Leon with acoustic instruments. (I am aware that KOL are American, but it's the same kind of empty anthemic bluster)

As I guy who has worn a dress and tights a few times for fancy-dress parties, I can confirm that there are few things more comfortable…

As I guy who has worn a dress and tights a few times for fancy-dress parties, I can confirm that there are few things more comfortable…

I wear heavy-cotton Rugby shorts (so they're pretty short, but also baggy) and they generally do the trick.

I wear heavy-cotton Rugby shorts (so they're pretty short, but also baggy) and they generally do the trick.

Boosh and/or ka-kow!

Boosh and/or ka-kow!

Lilyhammer is pretty much 'Fargo: The Series', only in Norway and with Steve Van Zandt.

Lilyhammer is pretty much 'Fargo: The Series', only in Norway and with Steve Van Zandt.

Agreed - one of the great things about Dredd was that it was just a stand-alone day in the life kinda thing.

Agreed - one of the great things about Dredd was that it was just a stand-alone day in the life kinda thing.

Steptoe and Son or GTFO.

Steptoe and Son or GTFO.

"This series I'll mostly be assisting the Doctor."

"This series I'll mostly be assisting the Doctor."

Behind the scenes the UN was uncomfortable with the show using their name so the new series had to retcon the name.

Behind the scenes the UN was uncomfortable with the show using their name so the new series had to retcon the name.

@openid-111502:disqus As of 'End of Time' Martha is now an Alien-hunting merc along with Mickey Smith.

@openid-111502:disqus As of 'End of Time' Martha is now an Alien-hunting merc along with Mickey Smith.

Also worth noting: for once in the new series UNIT aren't a bunch of fascists who are only around to get reprimanded by the Doctor.