Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

So they are including Jojen and Meera? I was beginning to think they'd just folded their parts into Osha.

So they are including Jojen and Meera? I was beginning to think they'd just folded their parts into Osha.

Maybe Anderson is just that much of an Europhile…

Maybe Anderson is just that much of an Europhile…

Yeah - the Odeon in Lincoln is generally pretty terrible yet they've had Moonrise Kingdom running four times a day since Friday. I can't say if many people actually watched it though.

Yeah - the Odeon in Lincoln is generally pretty terrible yet they've had Moonrise Kingdom running four times a day since Friday. I can't say if many people actually watched it though.

I love that one - it's pretty much Terminator but done over a decade beforehand.

I love that one - it's pretty much Terminator but done over a decade beforehand.

On Friday I saw the first showing of Moonrise Kingdom at my local cinema and completely loved it.  I if you aren't a fan of Anderson's style it will probably induce knee-jerk disgust, but I felt it was one of the most tightly plotted of his films and even got pretty darned dramatic which was a pleasant surprise. Of

On Friday I saw the first showing of Moonrise Kingdom at my local cinema and completely loved it.  I if you aren't a fan of Anderson's style it will probably induce knee-jerk disgust, but I felt it was one of the most tightly plotted of his films and even got pretty darned dramatic which was a pleasant surprise. Of

Series three has a number of 'best' episodes in it - the infamous 'Blink' and 'Human Nature/Family of Blood' - and a number of good episodes but it does have the most annoying finale (although only the dénouement, the rest of the two-parter is fairly good, although that would depend on your tolerance for John Simms'

Series three has a number of 'best' episodes in it - the infamous 'Blink' and 'Human Nature/Family of Blood' - and a number of good episodes but it does have the most annoying finale (although only the dénouement, the rest of the two-parter is fairly good, although that would depend on your tolerance for John Simms'

I initially though the archers to be unbelievable accurate, especially as they appeared to be volleying, but the next scenes showed that they weren't that far away from Stannis' men. With the large amount of them on the wall (and the light from the burning river) I guess they'd have a pretty good chance.

I initially though the archers to be unbelievable accurate, especially as they appeared to be volleying, but the next scenes showed that they weren't that far away from Stannis' men. With the large amount of them on the wall (and the light from the burning river) I guess they'd have a pretty good chance.

Please just let us have this…

Please just let us have this…

A few years later it would be Topper…

A few years later it would be Topper…

"The apparition of these faces in the crowd: I hate my stupid parents."

"The apparition of these faces in the crowd: I hate my stupid parents."