Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Do you think they would tell someone that a Baratheon has to have dark hair and dark hair only? That's essentially telling a large body of armed men that the king is not the true heir.

Do you mean Gendry?

And not to mention woefully esoteric.

I got the impression last series that she actually was something special back where she's from, and just captured/forced to whore. I'm probably miles off, I know.

Sister-finger-banger is Lilly Allen brother - once you see the similarity you can't un-see it.

@olivececile:disqus I think what she meant is that if the marriage isn't consummated it can be declared void, so divorce doesn't come into it (one of the tricks Henry VIII tried while he was still trying to negotiate with the Pope).

Since the first series that's been my assumption with any decent person we've met. It would be nice for the good guys to live just once

House Usher: "We do not Poe."

Bjork (much more successful solo than with the Sugarcubes) and Tina Turner (of the Ikettes) are two pretty big examples.

Has anyone seen Chris Owen from Girls complaining on Twitter because they supposedly stole his band's name? If he was that worried why did he give his band such a generic name?

Biological mother…

He's foolish - he should have known that most provincial courts operate on a 'pick on someone your own size' policy. Chickens are a big No. Sheep on the other hand…

It's also terrible - the multi-perspective thing is a good idea in theory, but the way they execute it with every episode featuring the entire story gives it huge pacing issues and a lack of any characterisation beyond 'variations on those people you remember from James Cameron's Titanic'.

It's not a line, but the bit where they're at the book-burning and Hitler stops them and signs Jones Sr.'s diary just cracks me up every time…

My Penguin Classics version has the long-form title. I guess it may be down to how hip and modern the publishers are trying to be.

I'd say the novella/short-story The Mist actually benefits from a non-committal ending.


@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus If I remember correctly it's implied that further East into Mordor there is some more fertile land that is used for farming, although I think they rely a lot on trade with the Southrons.

Someone give the photoshop guy a biscuit - they've earned it.

When did such trivial matters as historical accuracy worry Gibson?