Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Oh, when I read the headline I thought Scott Tobias' Twitter 'scandal' had escalated…

Oh, You ain't seen nothin' yet…

I refused to go to the meeting

Over here she's ridiculously huge (mainly due to the inescapable cover of 'You've Got The Love)

What? It came up organically…

Everybody, it seems…except the band

It was ridiculous, it was overblown, it was sentimental, it was silly

He's already chair of the Beatles fanclub

On IMDb no matter how irredeemably terrible the movie, there's always expounding its virtues and slagging off much better films and people agree with them.

OK, I'm going to be ultra-nerdy here, but what they meant was that there had been four Torchwood teams:

Good call on Outnumbered (one of the few good comedies still running in the UK) - also worth mentioning that it's semi-improvised - the kids only have a vague script (if at all) to follow and the adults have to react to them/move the plot along

That clip from the Mentalist is almost enough to get me watching again

It is a bit weird, but Idris Elba sells it completely - definitely worth watching

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus I hate how they made Martha into a doe-eyed unrequited lover for the Doctor… That ruined the character for me.

The first series was alright (mainly for Christopher Eccleston's performance), but it also had three episodes based around giant green farting monsters and Mickey Smith which makes it one of the worst…

It's not the talking I'm worried about - it's the dogs walking around on two feet serving dinner…

Dawes kinda broke the spell by doing AV Undercover and turning out to be (a) real, and (b) not that bad.

Those comments annoy me so much - I mean I'm 19 and grew up listening to more pre-70s music than anything else, but there is loads of good music around at the moment, these people who claim that because this decade has Bieber and the Jonas Brothers that it is musically barren are really missing the point - every era

You're forgetting All I Need!

*Expertly caught by Bruno Mars and casually tossed back*