Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Watch the Rockford Files and call to see if Paul can score some weed

I'll stop doing it when you stop laughing

I'm not a vegetarian and I feel a little ill after seeing that…

It's a Winehouse song - the Wanda Jackson cover is just embarrassing…

Pink Floyd threatened to sue, or something, and they weren't imaginative enough to think of anything else…

I remember the asylum episode in the first series being terrifying

The writers seem to have thought that too - in the last series they just sneak up and kill you

"Get thee to a tannery!"


I might have listened to your point, but (possibly) you raped Jeffrey Lewis

You've just been proven racist by the racist prover

Boy, boy, crazy boy, Get cool boy!

(Faints dead away)

"I've got a needle scratch app…"

Urgh - I have to be from Hull


Bah, you win this time…

Morrissey's problem is that he can't tell where the line is between being wittily provocative and being that old guy sitting in the pub complaining about all the Polish shops

Wow, too bad America - over in the .co.uk zone we can get free delivery on everything