dead souls


Whatever the length it will be longer than the final book, since it will never exist.

Oh, there are manboobs aplenty.

I'd wager iZombie gets renewed, but the ratings aren't that relevant. CW is all about CBS/Warner Bros. politics which is the only thing that makes me worry about iZombie.

The CW is a joint CBS/Warner Bros. venture and Crazy Ex is one of the only CBS shows it airs.

Not as bad as video game movies though.


I struggled through season 1, but seasons 2&3 are a complete joy to watch.

At either Costco or Arby's obviously.

Agreed. I wasn't hyped for it at all but since I watch almost everything on FX/FXX I gave it a shot. It blew me away. I was thrilled to see Louie Anderson win an Emmy for it.

Netflix shows sometimes demonstrate that broadcast episode length restrictions aren't always a bad thing.

Yeah, The Expanse books are great. I was sure Syfy would screw the adaptation up, but they didn't.

Any spot other than number one is too low for it.

Lol at Westworld being anywhere on this list. A huge budget and some good actors can't save those terrible scripts.

Yes, yes it was.

The C+ is too high. This episode was dreadful.

Hell, the whole cast is award-worthy.

You know in your heart it's going to.

Damn, what an episode of television.
