dead souls

Which is longer than an hour long drama on ad supported cable should be.

Agreed. The only part of this stinker I liked was the Vulture showing up at the end.

A fat sweaty guy? So you're saying I might have a shot?

That camp's name?


Loved it. Completely hilarious.

Overall, definitely.

Yep. Tivo>>every other viewing method.

Homeland was better than Game of Thrones last season.

Parks and Rec only had two great seasons: 2&3. It didn't deserve anything for the final season.

Yeah, if only it could be the creative powerhouse that Game of Thrones is.

Yeah. Rafi killed me tonight. Just like when I was almost killed on 9/11.

Summerland is a great damn song. I still enjoy this album.

Not true. I'm an asshole and I think she's great.

On the show? Rafi is the best character on television.

Yeah, that line slayed me.

Really? I think there's room for some more musical montages.

It still gets higher ratings than nearly every one of the AV Club's favorite shows.


Finally a girlfriend I wouldn't disappoint.