Which is longer than an hour long drama on ad supported cable should be.
Which is longer than an hour long drama on ad supported cable should be.
Agreed. The only part of this stinker I liked was the Vulture showing up at the end.
A fat sweaty guy? So you're saying I might have a shot?
That camp's name?
Loved it. Completely hilarious.
Overall, definitely.
Yep. Tivo>>every other viewing method.
Homeland was better than Game of Thrones last season.
Parks and Rec only had two great seasons: 2&3. It didn't deserve anything for the final season.
Yeah, if only it could be the creative powerhouse that Game of Thrones is.
Yeah. Rafi killed me tonight. Just like when I was almost killed on 9/11.
Summerland is a great damn song. I still enjoy this album.
Not true. I'm an asshole and I think she's great.
On the show? Rafi is the best character on television.
Yeah, that line slayed me.
Really? I think there's room for some more musical montages.
It still gets higher ratings than nearly every one of the AV Club's favorite shows.
Finally a girlfriend I wouldn't disappoint.