dead souls

I don't know if they're the best. They have a solid lineup of shows but all of my absolute favorites are on other networks.

Is this your first time at the A.V. Club?

I'll watch, but I don't trust HBO's drama development at all anymore.

Give this episode a C- and praise the beyond terrible Game of Thrones in the review?

What potential? I loved this season and hope it gets renewed, but from a business standpoint it is the flop to end all flops. It's getting the type of ratings that even if doubled would still have the show in danger.

That was such a waste of good casting.

He's continuing his "Great actor on a bad show" tour after being on Ray Donovan this year I guess.

I'm not sure I agree, but even if you're right that's still damning with very faint praise.

Become bad? In terms of dramas they're pretty bad right now.

Everything about it is awful. Terrible writing, poor directing, awful acting, unnecessarily convoluted and dull plotting.

Goddamn, season five was terrible. The last thing this show needs is more seasons.

Yeah, that part of Firefly always bothered me.

The party scene was dull, dull, dull.

Bigmouth strikes again, eh?

I spent the entire scene amazed that Pizzolatto's suck is so all encompassing that he can even make a crazy sex party boring.

Honestly I'd rather be watching Friends reruns than this dud of a season.

Agreed. This is terrible.

Season six only had two good episodes: Once More, With Feeling and Tabula Rasa. The rest of it ranged from bad to penis monster at your fast food job bad.

He's gotten better over time. The early Buffy seasons he was goddamn terrible, by the end of Angel he was decent, and he's even better after a decade plus on Bones.

Unpopular opinion time: Angel season 4 is the only consistently good season of any Whedon show.