AVC Stereotype

HAHAHHAHA! Blue Velvet!

HAHAHHAHA! Blue Velvet!

Also, for whatever reason, you seem to be under the impression that I'm not sincere with my posts. Trust me, I legitimately think you suck and have no life outside of the AV Club. I'll wait while you thumb through your thesaurus for a comeback.

Also, for whatever reason, you seem to be under the impression that I'm not sincere with my posts. Trust me, I legitimately think you suck and have no life outside of the AV Club. I'll wait while you thumb through your thesaurus for a comeback.

Stalking me, eh? I'm a Nilbog by the way (I'm sure you could get that easy reference). Should've figured you eye up dudes.

Stalking me, eh? I'm a Nilbog by the way (I'm sure you could get that easy reference). Should've figured you eye up dudes.

The incredible Chaz Bono.

The incredible Chaz Bono.

For the record, here was my deleted post: Dude, the reviewer isn't gonna bang you just because you pretend to be against misogyny on a message board

For the record, here was my deleted post: Dude, the reviewer isn't gonna bang you just because you pretend to be against misogyny on a message board

Go figure they removed my comment at the AV Club! Received 27 likes and it wasn't funny because I made fun of a virgin not being able to bang the ugly critic? I'm sure this will get deleted because this site can't handle differing points of view (like it pretends to).

Go figure they removed my comment at the AV Club! Received 27 likes and it wasn't funny because I made fun of a virgin not being able to bang the ugly critic? I'm sure this will get deleted because this site can't handle differing points of view (like it pretends to).

If saying Family Guy has a misogynist lean, then I'd like to point out that the douchebags on this site are way too sensitive. I'm sure I'll have unfunny, sarcastic commentators responding to my post referencing Happy Birthday to Me. I don't even like Family Guy anymore, but the people on this site are a bunch of

If saying Family Guy has a misogynist lean, then I'd like to point out that the douchebags on this site are way too sensitive. I'm sure I'll have unfunny, sarcastic commentators responding to my post referencing Happy Birthday to Me. I don't even like Family Guy anymore, but the people on this site are a bunch of

HAHAHAHAHA funny! [/replicating a sarcastic joke towards a douchebag who thinks he's one of the unique few who knows a dumb reference]

HAHAHAHAHA funny! [/replicating a sarcastic joke towards a douchebag who thinks he's one of the unique few who knows a dumb reference]

Jeremy, you need to stop speaking in class. Your analogy with Louis C.K. and Rush Limbaugh doesn't apply here. Family Guy has much more of a liberal bias than South Park does. Shouldn't you be more offended by South Park's jokes than Family Guy's by your own dumbass logic? Nerd.

Jeremy, you need to stop speaking in class. Your analogy with Louis C.K. and Rush Limbaugh doesn't apply here. Family Guy has much more of a liberal bias than South Park does. Shouldn't you be more offended by South Park's jokes than Family Guy's by your own dumbass logic? Nerd.

I agree with Kramerica. Grim Fagdango just decided to ignore most of Kramerica's post about biases against shows that he already has a distaste for.

I agree with Kramerica. Grim Fagdango just decided to ignore most of Kramerica's post about biases against shows that he already has a distaste for.