AVC Stereotype

Yeah, I agree. It's a good thing we respect women unlike this show, right? Hopefully the women who visit this site will wanna bang us after they see that we're not misogynists!

Yeah, I agree. It's a good thing we respect women unlike this show, right? Hopefully the women who visit this site will wanna bang us after they see that we're not misogynists!

Yeah, I agree. Fat slobs don't like hot women. Lawlz

Yeah, I agree. Fat slobs don't like hot women. Lawlz

Yeah, I agree. The AV Club is a good source for unbiased reviews on new music. Nothing hipster here for a reason. These people will grade Passion Pit with a D- and new pop country music an A+ after Genevieve Koski writes "shit kicker" and drop the letter 'g' in every word (examples: drinkin', kickin', shit kickin').

Yeah, I agree. The AV Club is a good source for unbiased reviews on new music. Nothing hipster here for a reason. These people will grade Passion Pit with a D- and new pop country music an A+ after Genevieve Koski writes "shit kicker" and drop the letter 'g' in every word (examples: drinkin', kickin', shit kickin').

Yeah, I agree. It referenced stuff I knew. I was able to laugh out loud so my friends recognized that I caught every reference. They think I'm smart now. Britta, Danny Glover, guy from the soup, etc.

Yeah, I agree. It referenced stuff I knew. I was able to laugh out loud so my friends recognized that I caught every reference. They think I'm smart now. Britta, Danny Glover, guy from the soup, etc.

Mejbeh I'm both! Should I reply with a sarcastic remark or is that too obvious?

Mejbeh I'm both! Should I reply with a sarcastic remark or is that too obvious?

Yeah, I agree. Especially after AV Club gave their new album a C! Fuck Pitchfork! They're nothing like the hipsters on this website!

Yeah, I agree. Especially after AV Club gave their new album a C! Fuck Pitchfork! They're nothing like the hipsters on this website!

She get wet don't she?!

She get wet don't she?!

Thanks for agreeing with me Emily. It's like men don't respect women anymore. I just bought Frankie Ocean's new album because he's gay and I feel empowered. Hopefully everyone feels me and doesn't act like Britta (Get it? She's a character from Community? HAHAHAHAHA…. You don't get it? Guess you're not as intelligent

Thanks for agreeing with me Emily. It's like men don't respect women anymore. I just bought Frankie Ocean's new album because he's gay and I feel empowered. Hopefully everyone feels me and doesn't act like Britta (Get it? She's a character from Community? HAHAHAHAHA…. You don't get it? Guess you're not as intelligent

Yeah, I agree. I finally gave her a chance because the A.V. Club is nothing like Pitchfork (AVC is more objective). She definitely has pop craftsmanship and hooks, therefore is better than the new Animal Collective album. If that band didn't try to pander to my demographic or if they had a bubblegum pop image like

Yeah, I agree. I finally gave her a chance because the A.V. Club is nothing like Pitchfork (AVC is more objective). She definitely has pop craftsmanship and hooks, therefore is better than the new Animal Collective album. If that band didn't try to pander to my demographic or if they had a bubblegum pop image like

Yeah, I agree. Despite the mostly mediocre reviews this is receiving, I'm only going to listen to the AV Club's amazing review. (insert Community reference involving Britta that only my intelligent friends would get and laugh at). That's enough validation for me.

Yeah, I agree. Despite the mostly mediocre reviews this is receiving, I'm only going to listen to the AV Club's amazing review. (insert Community reference involving Britta that only my intelligent friends would get and laugh at). That's enough validation for me.