Me too but whenever they kill off a bald character they must make another. Walt Jr will be next, I guess.
Me too but whenever they kill off a bald character they must make another. Walt Jr will be next, I guess.
This show is fantastic - cover it already, please!
This show is fantastic - cover it already, please!
I actually liked this ep a great deal more than last week's. The first few minutes kinda disappointed me, as it seemed like it would be more going through the motions, but once Fry was "killed" it really drew me in.
I actually liked this ep a great deal more than last week's. The first few minutes kinda disappointed me, as it seemed like it would be more going through the motions, but once Fry was "killed" it really drew me in.
Does this exist because Raising Hope has managed to stay on the air for two years? (I really like Hope but there's no way it qualifies as a "hit", so replicating it seems…odd.)
Does this exist because Raising Hope has managed to stay on the air for two years? (I really like Hope but there's no way it qualifies as a "hit", so replicating it seems…odd.)
Original Subway forever!
Original Subway forever!
I'd like to see them confiscated so that she attempts to break them or leads a lab riot.
I'd like to see them confiscated so that she attempts to break them or leads a lab riot.
He did get *pretty* upset with Britta after the poem incident, writing a whole song and all, though if he'd come back *just* to torment Annie it'd be kinda weird.
He did get *pretty* upset with Britta after the poem incident, writing a whole song and all, though if he'd come back *just* to torment Annie it'd be kinda weird.
I came so close to sticking it out with Heroes, but after the S3 finale I quit. The Sylar's bad, good, misunderstood, bad again wore too thin. Office I watched four or so eps after Carell left then quit. Quit HIMYM for the entire 5th season, then returned to it with the 6th and will stick with it to the end (this…
I came so close to sticking it out with Heroes, but after the S3 finale I quit. The Sylar's bad, good, misunderstood, bad again wore too thin. Office I watched four or so eps after Carell left then quit. Quit HIMYM for the entire 5th season, then returned to it with the 6th and will stick with it to the end (this…
The music on the show is really wonderful, always hits the right emotional chords.
The music on the show is really wonderful, always hits the right emotional chords.
It appears that today is the day that the internet realizes this exists. I love checking the hawkthorne subreddit ( every day and seeing the updates and new submissions. It'll be so cool once we can use weapons.
It appears that today is the day that the internet realizes this exists. I love checking the hawkthorne subreddit ( every day and seeing the updates and new submissions. It'll be so cool once we can use weapons.
The table seems to have some serious issues with Abed and Jeff. Do they pound on it that often?