
oh, you're right! Community's bit-players are showing up everywhere! Fat Neil or Vicki will be next!

He totally jinxed them.

C'mon, pile on Whitney; Up All Night is not the problem here.

NBC does exactly *one* thing right and it's comedy (minus Whitney). I have no use for them without Community. It's too well-written and acted to not exist anymore, but the world is not just and NBC, while it in the past granted continual renewals to 30 Rock though its ratings were/are low, might not be so kind this

And *now* I have to find "Kiss From A Rose" because only the chorus is running through my head and I need to whole song. Definitely the moment the episode became golden to me, with the intersection of all the parties - plus, fave song from years ago gets instant bump.

This was just a great all-around episode. Really haven't been as impressed with with the show this much for quite a while (though this season as a whole has been rather good). Surprised by the Barney/Robin stuff at the end, though it'll be labeled 'mistake' by next week, surely, as Nora and Kevin have to stick around

I definitely got that vibe immediately, but they did something different, guess added the blatancy of the Cubs-player desire rather than Steve's obliviousness that set it apart enough so I could still enjoy the plotline. Plus, that dance! Losing to Max as well made it rule.

I really think that might help spread the word. I know I would have paid more attention to it earlier if it had Abed's recommendation. These shows need to stick together (and if Abed becomes a common background actor in them all, so be it).

Yeah, and James does have a whole other life to attend to that wouldn't deal with the gang anyhow. I think before last season's father episode, we hadn't seen him in years, so if we get to see him once a season even, that's treat enough.

I feel like contributing to the discussion count if only because this show is still quite good even at seven years old, which in and of itself is pretty amazing. Went in dreading the Nora/Barney stuff, but it really was pretty entertaining, as Barney's "turn-it-arounds" got more and more ludicrous and hilarious. The