Truffle Shuffle

It's the international symbol for keys.

I hadn't heard anything about the second after-credits scene, so I was fully expecting a conversation between Fury and Coulson regarding the nowhere-near-mint-anymore cards.  The diner scene was funny, though.

I hiss-pered "You motherfucker" upon Coulson's death.  The little boy in the Iron Man jammies next to me seemed to agree, but was too chickenshit to say so in front of his mom.

I really thought they were going for a swerve with Marty being the true virgin archetype, with Dana proving to be the scholar (I want to bring my books) and Thor being the fool (drinking from chalice as depicted on the tablet) and Holden being the athlete (football skills alluded to early on). In other words, I

Sorry 4uvak, I wrote a letter-style post before reading other responses.  Not trying to plagiarize.  I like yours better, anyway.

Dear David, 
Sorry I was too poor to afford HBO—having just graduated college—so I didn't get to watch The Wire until later.
Fuck your mother.

The UMD, book spoiler, but if that had been the ending to LOST, Dark Tower folks would have cried plagiarism…not that King ever borrowed any ideas from anything.

Dang it sauce, you beat me to the Maul reference.  Well played, sir.

Will Darth Maul return as the demon?  Will he/it/they explain where one would buy a record player in the netherworld? 

Will Michael J Fox have a cameo in this Doc Hollywood show?

A Chuck Norris-sponsored workout device slaughters the lazy:  BO-FLEXTER

In the background, when the camera pans around to face Gus, a chunk of Tio falls off the ceiling.  So glorious.