Jay See

Atta girl!

Rudd and Douglas would make an adorable couple.

I saw Jay Leno in concert in the 1980s. He asked the audience to name the magazine with the highest subscription count in the United States. I gave the correct answer, Readers Digest, and Leno acknowledged me as correct before continuing his bit.

No, it was cancelled because he couldn't outrun one other show.


So, an NBC show.

IOC is supposedly supplying 100,000 condoms for about 2,800 athletes. That's 35 condoms per athlete for a 16 day timeframe, which averages out to more than two per day.


He's back! In pog form!

MTV airs Teen Wolf so your definition is partially falsified.

Revenge Of The Zither

Drumline 3: I Don't Know

Sal Mineo as Gene Krupa?

But he's a wizard at Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Please, Mariah is obviously the top in that relationship.

And by "it" you mean…


The closing number from The Music Man.

I can think of four things wrong with this assertion.

Another pun thread? Not sticking around.