Jay See


PEWma Man!

You should have said you wondered "with frequency" because Radio Shack.

Quite a bit of what I might wanted to have posted has already been said hours ago by others. If only this website had some feature that might notify one that an article of interest had been published…

The last scene needed to be Saul walking into Brody's room

I look forward to someone posing on a frigate under a banner that reads MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Wasn't getting his TV series canceled in 1976 after just five episodes enough?

Right on. You and I had this New U conversation back in the day, when I was but a humble palindrome.

If you don't mind my asking, are you also Cliffy from the Straight Dope Message Boards?


At what point does "atmospheric" turn to "boring"?

*Chris Brown angrily tweets Bob Barker's home address*


Antenna TV is also pretty good, or it was up until this month when it deep-sixed pretty much every show I was watching in favor of Flipper and Rin-Tin-Tin.

What, you never had chicken teak-a masala?

What color ribbon is for that?

That's not a banana; he's happy to see you.

"In bed"

-and no one else

It's a crack rock life for us…