Jay See

True enough, but my disappointment springs more from what I saw as a good amount of potential in the characters and the story line. Instead of his committing suicide I would have been a lot more interested in seeing Daniel work within the Society to avenge himself on Dracula but also double cross the Society for

Unsurprisingly my favorite plot is the quadrangle between Scully, Margaret, Langham and Dale. Anyone who's watched or read any gay-themed TV or literature saw the gay bashing coming a mile away (and side note, I'm more than a little tired of how showing violence against gay people is not a problem but showing

This episode would probably have been a lot more effective if NBC hadn't given away pretty much every plot point in the preview. Seriously, that was the most spoilery preview ever.

Deeply disappointed that both Laurent and Daniel went out this episode. I figured there was no way Laurent was going to survive but I held out some hope that Daniel would live to get his vengeance on. The possible lesbian subtext is a poor substitute given how prevalent lesbian and lesbian-adjacent material is in

They missed a golden opportunity back in the day not making a live action troll doll movie with Mickey Rooney.

*Tracey Ullman angrily tweets the Los Angeles Superior Court*

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Phil Dyess-Nugent's home address*

ElDan, the only man in the world whose selfie is a mug shot.

I know.

Fedora Bitcoin: Private Eye

I got a Smorgas-Borgen notification.

The male Food Network chefs tend to be a little smirky. Which does not mean that I would not bang many of them.

Didn't see the first one, didn't see this one, thought the Hart to Hart one was one of the stupidest, most boring things I've ever seen. And I say that having watched a hefty chunk of the 1987 television adaptation of Norma Levinson's "The Room Upstairs".

This episode strayed into lugubrious territory and never found its way back out. Perhaps it's an asinine comment to make about a show about the dead returning to life but I needed to feel more energy from everyone. Everyone dealing with a returned who knows they're a returned is just so goddamned calm. Even Lena, the

What's the over/under on how many minutes before Russian police or a Russian mob (often one and the same) drag Thomas Roberts off the Miss Universe stage for being homosexual?

POLL: Creepier JFK visually, Rob Lowe or Greg Kinnear in The Kennedys miniseries?

I guess the waitress at that diner must not have been working yesterday when Katherine impaled someone on a honking great stick in the middle of the restaurant.


Get your rickets vaccine now, just in case.

Is that what they're calling it these days.