Winslow Leach

Who cares what the genre/sensibility/scene a song comes from if it's got a great tune?

The question: Sex blimps or sex holes?

"Oh, the humanity!"

Parks and Rec's masterful blending of hilarious, well-defined characters, believable relationships, and uncloying heart is reminding me of the late great Mary Tyler Moore Show…who didn't cry when Mary tearfully makes the "family" speech in the series finale?

Donna encouraged Anne to make out with the Jersey Shore-ish dude in the medical tent at the Harvest Festival, right?

It's pretty good, and he certainly milks that number

Tom Selleck turned up on Rockford a few times playing an annoyingly perfect rival PI. Led to his role as Magnum.

And if the bomb didn't get you, AIDS would. I was a teenager in the eighties and basically felt doomed.

Funny you mention the Marx Brothers…
A TV version of The Mikado was produced in the fifties starring Groucho Marx.

I enjoyed her little practice swipes after she got the hanger. Excellent technique for discouraging hovering cartoon eagles.

va va va voom
Hanger dude's girlfriend was about 10,000 times hotter than "Victoria Secret model" Nathalie.

I like the last part..

I bought a VHS copy of Taxi Driver years ago with this blurb featured on the cover:

Also, I think he raped Jodie Foster. Him or his fratty doppleganger.

No, Jemaine should play an ogre who works in a library.

I think the Simon/McCartney comparison is apt in a lot of ways, but I completely disagree with your dismissal of them…the feeling, genius, soul is in those gorgeous MELODIES.

Why David Lynch's version is awesome
It's unnervingly weird, the characters speak in strange, stilted cadences, it's confusing and portentous…basically, every aspect of the movie feels authentically alien.

Right, Pearce as Cyclops, Crowe as Wolverine…they totally had that dynamic in LA Confidential.

Strathairn as Mastermind! Spacey as Donald Pierce!

X-Men fantasy casting
After seeing LA Confidential, I thought Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe would be excellent choices for Cyclops and Wolverine.